We will announce MRY advancements in AI over coming months. Freddy is working on his qualifications and developing a new AI generative product for our clients. In the meantime, I’ve been giving thought to those skills that are inherently human. According to the 2023 Word Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report, qualities associated with emotional intelligence such as motivation, resilience, and self-awareness, remain in high demand.
Ultimately no-one will be interested in our AI products if we can’t communicate what they do. Communication is a ‘soft skill’ most effectively acquired through osmosis: the skill of observing others and picking up their cues cannot be artificially generated. The key to this is having good role models and mentors. I am grateful to all of those I have observed (the good and the not so good) over the years.
Understanding other people’s problems is a form of empathy. Being able to connect with a client to identify and understand their thoughts, perspectives, and emotions and being able to demonstrate that understanding with intention, generates innovation in problem solving and engagement on all sides.
Another soft skill that can’t be outsourced to AI is “integrity”: doing what you say you’ll do. There’s no AI that can make you keep your promises.
Grasping the nuances of connection, communication, integrity and empathy is a skill we don’t stop learning and can’t build a prompt for.
As excited as we are to bring forward a new AI product there’s no doubt that these fundamental human skills will still be needed.